What I'm watching - April 2021


Ola folks , checkout below what I have been watching this past month , dont forget to checkout the previous blog postings too :)

Towards the end of this past month , after having seen quite a few really bad films and series , I realized a conundrum … I am wasting my time , by passing time , watching these garbage films/series . In the beginning of this year I started a list of films and series of which I would like to see (those who have caught my interest) . So when I came into watching these garbage films , I gave up on trying to watch something I have never heard about and instead went to my diary and started to watch , whats on my list . With this in mind , majority of the films and series I saw this past month were from my list .

At the top of my list were films directed by Spike Lee , I went back and watched (for the first time) DO THE RIGHT THING and for the 2nd time THE 25TH HOUR and for the umpteenth time CLOCKERS . All these films are fantastic and Spike Lee is a phenomenal director . I recommened you all do the same , make a list of what you want to watch and get starting .

I am a huge fan of the Pacific Rim film series and now its an anime series on Netflix titled PACIFIC RIM : THE BLACK . What’s not to love about big ass robots fighting big ass monsters ?

Possibly one of the worst films I have ever seen has to be DEADLY ILLUSIONS , I couldn’t even get past the hour mark before I turned it off . So cringe , back acting , bad script … just bad all around . Don’t even waste your time with this garbage

I absolutely loved this film . Great period piece with great acting and a gripping and suspenseful trailer without all the usual tropes .

BEHIND HER EYES was trending on Netflix and so I gave it a shot . After 3 boring ass episodes I forced myself to keep watching , by the 8th episode I couldn’t anymore . Its boring and the ‘twist’ is so bonkers that I couldn’t find any redeeming qualities . I don’t recommend this show at all .

I had been waiting for years to see the ZACK SYNDER’S JUSTICE LEAUGE , and finally it had arrived this past month and my oh my what a flick it was . It is an amazing feat to be hold , even sitting at 4 hours it doesn’t get boring at all and is an amazing film .

For once Netflix brings a great movie , and THE WHITE TIGER is truly a great film . This film should be getting Oscar buzz , as the lead actor , he is amazing !

Another film on my list that I wanted to see was the Swedish Sci-Fi flick ANIARA . Its quite similar to ‘The Tower’ so if you like you some sci-fi drama, I highly recommended this gem .

Other films & series:


This is where I leave you


Pacific Rim : Uprising

Godzilla : King of the monsters

The girl on the train

War of the worlds