To sample or not to sample ?

This past week I bought a few new sample packs and started to work on some new projects . When it comes to my productions, and more so when it comes to using samples, I would usually take one shots and add them into my tracks and make my own drum patterns or if its a hi hat loop I would either take the loop at its entirety or chop it up . Usually when I go through music/vocal sampled loops , and when/if I use these loops in my tracks, I would usually take the loop and try and make it my own . I would either cut , chop and rearrange the loop , add some dynamics or distortion and so on . But with this recent sample pack that I had purchased there are 8 string loops that sound truly fantastic and I fell in love with them . As they are , they sound perfect to me , maybe just needed some compression and reverb but they were amazing and give me such huge inspiration for the song .

Whilst I was working on this new track with these loops , I was then ‘hit in the face’ with a realization , ‘Am I cheating?’ , ‘Is this wrong that I’m not even changing the loop and using it as is ?’ . This realization was haunting me , so I turned to my fellow producers online . There is a Facebook group that I am a member of where we talk about all things related to DJ’ing and producing . In this group I posted the bellow statement :

‘‘Opinions please .

Yesterday I purchased a sample pack . Usually when I use samples for example a synth or vocal sample , Ill usually chop it up re-arrange it and may even add some dynamics to it to 'make it my own' sound . But with the sample pack I purchased there are about 8 samples of strings . Its a 8 bar loop of the full arrangement of which is broken down into cello , violin , and pizzicatos . They sound perfect on their own and I don’t want to mess about with them and I love these string samples , but something inside me makes me feel like I’m 'cheating' or that I should feel guilty . But I love them so much that I want to use them in my next track .

I wanted to know your thought process when it comes to using musical loops and/or samples. What’s your thoughts and opinions when it comes to this ideology ? ‘‘

One the members sent me a link for a podcast episode from ‘Felix Leiter in the house’ of which Felix chats to well known DJ and producer Scott Diaz . In this episode Scott speaks about samples and loops and his opinion on them . He discusses that he , if he would use a sample/loop, would make it ‘his own’ as I had said earlier but then he delve deeper into this topic. He brought up a big important fact , the fact that us as electronic/house music producers are too ‘shy’ or ‘embarrassed’ to admit that we have used a sample/loop in our tracks whereas very well known hip-hop producers are upfront about the samples/loops they use in their tracks . And then it got me thinking , I thought about how many Dr. Dre tracks have used samples , and what about Kanye West ? All these producers have had hugely successful records with tracks that have used samples/loops . And also that Scott was right , as a house music producer I too have been guilty of feeling a little embarrassed to admit I used a musical loop in a track , as if it was frowned upon . Scott also brings up a good point that this is a stigma that has been going on for a long time in our industry . He most certainly ‘hit the nail on the head’ , my sentiments were exactly of his .

Having gone back and forth on this matter I have come to the following conclusion, I feel that as artists , we cannot limit ourselves when it comes to inspiration or experimentation . Samples and loops inspire us , they give us the freedom to experiment with different sounds where we might have never been able to hear them . My new found ideology on this matter is this ‘ Do what ever YOU think is right , if YOU think it sounds great , then use that sample/loop , YOU are your own producer and if it sounds good to YOU , then use it as you will.

We shouldn’t be afraid to use samples or loops in our tracks , look how many other huge international artists have come outright and declared they’ve used certain samples and loops in their tracks and they’re not ashamed at all . I do think that the negative stigma towards this ideology in the dance industry needs to stop and be more accepting .

Here’s the podcast episode from Felix Leiter (I highly recommend to subscribe to his channel):