10 tips to help make producing more efficient

Over the years that I have been producing I have learnt alot when it comes to how best to make my projects more efficient, to save myself time and make producing easier for myself. Every day I am learning new tricks and methods to help myself. I dont have alot of time to produce , but the time I do have to produce I need to make it count and not waste time with certain things that can take up alot of time when I should be working on something else within the track. Here are my top 10 tips to help you make your productions easier , more efficient and less time consuming .


It may be simple but it sure does help. Colour code different tracks within your project , for example make your bass DARK BLUE and lead synth YELLOW . The individual tracks will stand out and consciously your brain will remember what track is what colour and if you’re looking for a certain track it will be easier to find it , especially if you’re working on project that has allot of different channels.


This is one of the best tools I learnt the last few years . I created my own project template with ,more or less , the right amount of channels that I would need to start a track. I would also make group channels for send effects and have different channels grouped , for example instrument , drums , bass and kick group channels . This saved me a ‘boat load’ of time . You can even load up your reverb and delay plugins on your FX channels to make working on projects more streamlined . You can always change them later .

Check out the video below on how to make your own project template


Always make sure that when you’re about to start working on a project that you have been rested and that your ears are ready. If you’ve been clubbing the night before , the damage it could have on your ears will most definitely affect what you hear when working on a track. This also applies if you have been drinking the night before or haven’t had a good night’s rest. If you’re simply ‘out of it’ rather take the day off and do something else , because if your ears and head aren’t in the ‘right place’ you could be working on a track that day and then the next day when you are rested , the whole track could sound horrible . So best not to waste your time and rather avoid studio time.


As #3 states , the same applies to being motivated. Don’t ever force yourself to finish a track because you ‘have to’ . Try motivating yourself , go for a run or a walk, watch a movie or listen to some tracks that inspire you . Your level of motivation will reflect on the quality of the track .


Grouping channels is a must , not just for buss mastering but also to save time searching for certain elements. When you group , for example your drums , and in the mix you hear your main hi-hat is standing out too much . You will know exactly where to find it and edit that channel. Again saving you more time .

Check out the video below on how to make and use group channels in Cubase.


It’s easy to get caught up in your VSTs and plugins. With so many available it can take you months to sift through all of them to find that one ‘perfect’ sound . With that being said , spend a few sessions just listening and learning all your VSTs and plugins . Make notes on the ones you like and don’t like and practice using them and getting used to them , that way when you want something specifically done you’ll know where to find it . For example in Arturia VSTs, there’s an ‘heart’ option(basically a ‘like’) which you can add to each preset , so these will stand out as the presets that you like.


Much like VSTs and plugins , the same can be said for your samples and loops. Sort them in different files and label them , for example make a file for just kicks , and throw all of them in there . And do this for all your samples and loops . When the time comes to start a project , it will be way easier to find the exact element that you’re looking for


If you’re like me , in that you mix down all your midi tracks to audio tracks then you have to start batch exporting . Instead of exporting a single midi track , which takes up alot of time, batch export all your midi tracks at once .


Give yourself deadlines of when to finish a track/s . That way you are propelled and motivated to finish a track on time and not procrastinate on a song for days , weeks or even months in some cases. When you give yourself a deadline . I know I mentioned in point #4 that you shouldn’t force yourself to finish a track , but some people (like me) work better under pressure and that when you have given yourself a deadline it put things in perspective and makes you work harder and brings in a new found of motivation .


If you have been working on a track and you simply are not ‘feeling it’ or are struggling on finding that perfect bass sound , then simply move onto another project. Maybe even start a brand new project or back to another track that you are working on. Forcing yourself to work on a track that isn’t motivating you. can in actual fact de-motivate you even further. As a last resort just simply move on to another track and return to the current ‘difficult’ track later. In most cases you will find more motivation to finish the ‘difficult’ track when you return to it at a later stage.